Conny Frischauf
The number written on the postcard will automatically direct you to a voice mail box. There you can leave a message of any kind.
All the messages on the mailbox will be collected and shared when a specific, yet undefined amount is reached. They will be available via bandcamp (pay as you wish) and can be used royaltyfree by everyone.
The mail box can hold up to 15 voice messages; each with a maximum duration of 3 minutes. If you cannot leave a message please call later - the box might be filled up and in need to be emptied.
(All proceeds will be used to cover the costs of this project. If any profit is made from this, it will be used for similar projects. This is a non-funded diy project creating sonic togetherness across multiple factors of separation.)
Any message with content not appropriate will not be reproduced on any medium.
If you read this and would like to receive a postcard or many, you can leave a note with your address here: sedimente000[at]gmail[dot]com.
Any happening (release f.e.) connected with this postcard will be shared pubilcly. Each number that contributed will receive a message when further steps are taken.
All the data (phone number, email adress, name etc.) I get from you will not be shared with others.
Thank you,
Conny Frischauf
sedimente web will be installed soon
sedimente IG here